‘Bold’ plans for Alsager released for public consultation


“Bold” new plans for improving the quality and appearance of Alsager town centre and are now out for consultation with the local residents and businesses.

The plans aim to create an “attractive and high quality hub” for the community, prioritising pedestrians over drivers, and encouraging residents and visitors to take part in the activities and experiences that the town centre offers.

Proposals include creating a “clearer definition” of the town centre space by introducing gateways and a different surface treatment for pavements and roads, a 20mph speed limit, wider pavements and more crossings, better visual and physical access between street and park and buildings, improved accessibility, and use of public art to give the town a clear unique identity.

The proposals are a result of policies in the Alsager Neighbourhood Plan, which was approved by the town in a referendum in February 2020.

Alsager Town Council funded Xanthe Quayle Landscape Architects to develop the policies into concrete proposals that would help the town centre become “more vibrant, prosperous and sustainable”.

The proposals were developed with councillors and residents, and support from Cheshire East officers, between September 2019 and January 2020.

Covid put the consultation on hold, but the town council said it was confident that a satisfactory consultation can take place, largely online present but with opportunities to view the proposals when the Alsager Civic can be used again.

All households will receive a leaflet and survey about the consultation, which lasts until 31st May.

Everyone is encouraged to give their views and, if possible, to complete the survey online.

The proposals and the survey, and a short video, Alsager Town Council – YouTube can be accessed from the Alsager Town Council website alsagertowncouncil.gov.uk, or by accessing the survey here https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/visionforalsager/