George Boomsma: The Promise Of Spring


This lovely album’s theme is grief but (with respect to George) it’s a fine album of acoustic folky pop featuring delicate vocals – Boomsma has a voice that belongs on an early rock ‘n’ roll era crooner’s hit – that can be enjoyed without the backstory.
The album is dedicated to his brother Tom, the one I presume has died, and the songs are interspersed with recordings of the two as kids.
The lyrics are thoughtful but really only talk about his brother in abstract terms, such as “As a sister she begins to see / Older than the elder she will be”.
The songs are mostly acoustic based, though he has a band. The sound is hard to pin down – late 60s folk-pop singers come to mind, maybe Iain Matthews. Nick Drake say some, although that’s always the lazy default for “earnest singer songwriter”.
I played some Blodwyn Pig and while that was louder, it was a similar vibe. His voice may be too gentle for some, but it’s a lovely album.
See Bandcamp.