Grant funding pays for path upgrades at Astbury Mere

Work has been undertaken to improve the path at Astbury Mere.
Work has been undertaken to improve the path at Astbury Mere.

Work at Astbury Mere should be finished this week, creating an “improved walking experience” for children, residents and other visitors.

The path repairs and refurbishment are being funded by a grant from FCC Communities Foundation, along with donations from Stoke-on-Trent Angling Society, Peak Activities Services, the William Dean Trust, Glass and Stainless, and funds raised by Astbury Mere Trust itself.

Alison Cresswell MBE, chair of Astbury Mere’s board of trustees, said the path repairs and refurbishment would make “a huge difference” to people visiting the site.
She said: “It is great to see our vision for this vital community facility moving closer to reality. We are extremely grateful for the funding FCC Communities Foundation has given us, as well as all the other donors, and are looking forward to fully re-opening the paths to the public.”

FCC Communities Foundation is a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community through the Landfill Communities Fund.

WAP Lawton and Son, based in Knutsford, began the work early in November and the project was expected to be completed this week.

Congleton Park Runners, who run round the path on Saturday mornings, should also be able to return to the much-improved venue – park runs are free. Donations are requested via a yellow bucket on site. Car parking is 50p for up to four hours or £1 for longer, with no overnight parking, Parking charges are currently under review.

Astbury Mere Country Park is a registered charity and not owned by Cheshire East Council.
Contributions towards path repair work and general upkeep of the park, whose running costs alone now exceeds £70,000 per year, would be gratefully received.

Anyone interested in supporting Astbury Mere Country Park should visit its website and make a donation using Paypal – to or place a donation in the donation posts on site.

Alternatively, contact the office on 01260 297 237 or email